Thursday, April 8, 2010


hi, i forgot on the blogging thing..
so these are updates for my experience from my first day till today...

this is my first day at the office, went to the HR dept to register me as their intern, filling up a pile of forms. Then i've been introduced to my dept by a colleague, Arina. I,Ve been introduced to my supervisor, n he gave a briefing on what the company does. Then i've been introduced to all member of the office. Later that day, i was shocked when i,ve been called to the project engineer office where he gave me a project to design. The project is quite confidential since it is under design process. I was given a file for all the specs of the project and need to study it.

Second day, i was given a plan of the project. Given a task to design, a specific part of this project. I've been given trust by the project engineer to design it according to the specs of the project. I need to complete the drawing today as it is due for another 2 weeks. At the same time, i was given an opportunity to sit with an engineer that design a piping system for a vessel.

Today, as the drawing of the project has completed, i submit the drawing to my project engineer, n the drawing was evaluated and some alteration need to be done. Preparing the BOM of this project would be the hardest part since the parts is too many and to many specs need to comply with.

After finish with the drawing, n the drawing was approved, I've been taken on a trip to a convention at KLCC. Here, i need to find vendors in order for me to send request for quotation(RFQ). It was an interesting trip since i've been given a chance to talk to vendors about the project. Then my project engineer, ask me to send the RFQ to all these vendors in order to know how much is the project worth.

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